
Brace yourself

Don’t panic…
Only 18 sleeps till the big guy will be squeezing through our heat pump.
It’s the Christmas countdown and it’s easy to get caught up in the hype.
I often have that last minute ‘have I got enough’ panic.
Presents, food, you name it…. more is more.
Despite being prepared, I used to go into a late frenzy of buying extra stuff just to cover my bases.
I think I saw other people madly shopping and thought I was missing something.
It was never necessary and always stressful.

And breathe…
Now I just stop and breathe.
That’s it.
It helps me to become conscious to the decisions I’m making.

What I’m buying and why.
Perspective is a good b!tch – she helps me keep it real.
I buy less, have more time, and create less waste.

Out of sync
The stop and breathe technique also keeps me on track when we’re doing our Christmas travel.
I try and keep up our habits.
I stash a bag of reusables in the car. Bottles, bags, containers, straws, coffee cups – they’re all invited on our road trip.

I’m learning to be more present at Christmas.
It makes me more conscious and allows me to navigate the hype, commercialism and expectation.
I make better choices.
I focus more on people and experiences.
I still eat way too much – I’m not a robot.


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